Rails database migrations best practices
Have you ever found yourself wondering how to best manage your database migrations in Rails? Migrations are a powerful tool for evolving your database schema, but without proper practices, they can become difficult to manage and even lead to inconsistencies between environments. In this post, we’ll cover essential strategies for keeping your migrations organized, efficient, and in sync across development, staging, and production, helping you avoid common pitfalls and maintain a clean, up-to-date database.
Meant to be Deleted
Database migrations are designed to be temporary. They serve as a bridge to implement incremental changes but aren’t meant to stick around indefinitely. Once they’re run, particularly in a production environment, they’ve done their job. The schema file then becomes the definitive source of truth for the database structure, as it reflects the database’s current state after all migrations have been applied.
Migrations, especially in production or staging, don’t need to be executed repeatedly. After
being run, their purpose is fulfilled (unless you need a rollback). In development or test
environments, we can reload the database schema with bin/rails db:schema:load
to stay in
sync, rather than relying on a long chain of migrations.
There’s an argument for keeping migration files for historical context, as they can show how the database evolved over time. In these cases, archiving older migrations might be a cleaner approach than just deleting them.
(Simon Chiu ) provided this code snippit:
# lib/tasks/migration_archive.rake
namespace :db do
namespace :migrate do
desc 'Archives old DB migration files'
task :archive do
sh 'mkdir -p db/migrate/archive'
sh 'mv db/migrate/*.rb db/migrate/archive'
Which allows you archive migrations by running:
bin/rails db:migrate:archive
Data Migrations
The best approach to handling data migrations depends on the team and the scale of the application. Some teams find it more efficient to include data migrations in migration files, as this can streamline the process. However, others prefer to use rake tasks or standalone scripts for data migrations. This keeps schema migrations focused solely on changes to the database structure. Ultimately, the choice should align with the team’s workflow and the needs of the application.
Reversible migrations
Occasionally, you may need to roll back migrations in production. To ensure this process goes smoothly, it’s essential to write migrations with reversibility in mind. This typically means using the change method instead of separate up and down methods, as change can often handle reversals automatically.
A helpful practice is to run bin/rails db:migrate:redo
when adding new migrations,
allowing you to confirm that they can be rolled back without issues. Writing reversible
migrations not only prepares you for rollbacks but also encourages better migration
practices overall.
Keep Your Local Database in Sync with Production
Your local database structure should always match the production database as closely as possible. This alignment is crucial because it ensures that when we create or reset a database (especially locally), the structure matches production exactly. By relying on the schema.rb file as the source of truth, we can confidently make changes to the application, knowing how they will impact production.
To maintain this consistency, everyone on the team should commit the updated schema file whenever they add new migrations. This discipline keeps the schema file an accurate reflection of the production database, enabling smooth collaboration and preventing drift between environments.
Whenever you pull changes from the upstream repository, it’s good practice to run bin/rails db:migrate. This command applies any new migrations and automatically updates the schema.rb file. Because our team ensures the schema file is always up-to-date and committed in source control, you shouldn’t encounter structural changes after running db:migrate. This approach keeps the database structure consistent across all environments and ensures a smooth development workflow.
Introduced in Rails 6.1, the bin/rails db:prepare
command is the ideal choice for
setting up your local database environment. This command creates the database, loads the
schema, and runs seeds if the database does not exist. If the database already exists, it
only runs the migrations and seeds; setting up your local environment in one go. You can
see exactly what this task does by reviewing the database.rake source code .
Interestingly, the default bin/setup
script provided by Rails also uses bin/rails db:prepare
to set up the database (source ).
It’s a good practice to occasionally drop your local database and run bin/rails
again. This serves as a smoke test to ensure the schema file is accurate and
confirms that your database can be rebuilt smoothly from scratch.
A similar command is bin/rails db:setup
, which also creates the database, loads the
schema, and seeds it. However, the key difference is that db:setup
doesn’t run
migrations, making it particularly useful when setting up a database for the first time.
You can review the source code
to see how db:setup
and db:prepare
In CI, development, or test environments, running bin/rails db:schema:load
is generally much
faster than bin/rails db:migrate
, especially in projects with a large number of migrations.
Since db:schema:load
directly loads the current schema, it bypasses the need to process
each migration file individually, saving time.
Every time we migrate the database, Rails automatically performs a schema dump to ensure
that the schema file stays up-to-date with the current state of the database. This
happens because bin/rails db:schema:dump
is run right after bin/rails db:migrate
(see the source code here ).
To check if your database is up-to-date, you can use the command bin/rails db:migrate:status
This command provides the status of each migration, making it easy to identify any pending migrations.
For example, here’s an output from one of our open-source projects . This shows that all migrations have been successfully run:
❯ bin/rails db:migrate:status
database: points-development
Status Migration ID Migration Name
up 20180530174255 Devise create users
up 20180605185712 Create projects
up 20180622182249 Create stories
up 20180622183315 Create estimates
up 20180810181844 Add admin to users
up 20180829192236 Add name to users
up 20190327210527 Add columns to users
up 20190730150431 Add position to stories
up 20190926190608 Add real score to stories
up 20210201161014 Add parent id to project
up 20211209170501 Add position to project
up 20220312201424 Add extra info to stories
up 20220621141342 Add locked to projects
up 20230829001347 Add status to stories
up 20230830143908 Create version jumps
up 20230831175732 Add version jump to projects
up 20230908142819 Create comments
In contrast, here’s what the output looks like when one of the migration files is deleted:
Status Migration ID Migration Name
up 20180530174255 Devise create users
up 20180605185712 Create projects
up 20180622182249 Create stories
up 20180622183315 Create estimates
up 20180810181844 Add admin to users
up 20180829192236 Add name to users
up 20190327210527 Add columns to users
up 20190730150431 Add position to stories
up 20190926190608 Add real score to stories
up 20210201161014 Add parent id to project
up 20211209170501 Add position to project
up 20220312201424 Add extra info to stories
up 20220621141342 Add locked to projects
up 20230829001347 Add status to stories
up 20230830143908 Create version jumps
up 20230831175732 Add version jump to projects
up 20230908142819 ********** NO FILE **********
Another way to determine which migrations have been executed is by querying the
table using dbconsole
. Rails uses this table internally to track
completed migrations. Any migration not listed in the schema_migrations
table is
considered pending and will be executed when running migrations.
Below is an example of the output from the points-development
database when running the query:
SELECT * FROM schema_migrations;
❯ bin/rails dbconsole
points-development=# select * from schema_migrations;
(17 rows)
The only reason to switch to structure.sql
is if you’re using database features that
can’t be represented by the schema.rb
DSL. For most use
cases, schema.rb
should be sufficient, but structure.sql
may be necessary if you need to
capture more complex database structures or features.
NOTE: Example is PostGIS, but there are many other examples but these are an extra dependency that you need to manage
Team Agreements
- Commit the Schema File: Agree to always commit the schema file whenever new migrations are added.
- Archive or Delete Old Migrations: Agree to delete or archive migrations that have been in production for more than a month.
- Keep Local Databases in Sync: Agree to periodically drop local databases and run bin/rails db:prepare` to ensure the local database remains as close to the production database as possible.
- Write Reversible Migrations: Agree to write reversible migrations whenever possible. (NOTE: Or decide on a migration stategy when things don’t go as planned in production)
In summary, maintaining a clean and consistent database migration process is key to
ensuring smooth development and production environments. By following best practices
such as keeping migrations reversible, committing the schema file regularly, and keeping
local and production databases in sync, teams can avoid common pitfalls and minimize
technical debt. Periodically cleaning up old migrations and using commands like bin/rails db:schema:load
and rails db:migrate:status
help ensure the database schema is always in
top shape. Adhering to these agreements not only streamlines the development process but
also sets the stage for a more manageable and efficient codebase in the long run.
Need help with your Rails application? Talk to us today!