Migrate from webpacker to jsbundling-rails with esbuild
We’ve come a long way as full-stack Rails engineers. We began with everything neatly bundled in one framework, handling both backend and frontend together. The asset pipeline, with Sprockets , kept this ecosystem running smoothly for us. Then, as front-end complexity grew, we turned to Webpacker to pick up where Sprockets left off.
Now, it’s time for the next step in our journey: moving from Webpacker to esbuild. In this post, we’ll explore how to make that transition and why it’s worth considering.
- Journey to JS the Rails 5 Way
- jsbundling-rails with esbuild
- Migrating to jsbundling-rails with esbuild
- Some gotchas
- Considerations before migrating to esbuild
- Conclusion
- Further reading and references
Journey to JS the Rails 5 Way
The frontend evolved at a breakneck pace, and soon browser technologies couldn’t keep up. To bridge this gap, tools like npm/yarn, Webpack, and Babel entered the scene, offering modern solutions for bundling and compiling JavaScript beyond what the asset pipeline could handle.
Around this time, some developers jumped ship from full-stack Rails and opted for a Rails API paired with a single-page application (SPA) frontend. But the progressive Rails community had a different vision, introducing Webpacker. This gave us a way to stay loyal to the “majestic monolith” by integrating Webpack directly into Rails.
With Rails 5.2, Webpacker became an alternative JavaScript compiler, and by Rails 6, it had fully replaced Sprockets as the default choice for JavaScript. The Rails way now involved using Webpack for JavaScript while leaving everything else to Sprockets in the asset pipeline.
While Webpacker made Webpack easier to configure in Rails, it came with its own set of issues. Fast-forward a few years, and things have changed a lot since 2017. Newer alternatives have emerged as browser technology improved, making the complexity and friction of Webpacker less appealing.
Rails 7 introduces a new default for JavaScript, following the Rails doctrine of flexibility and offering alternatives when the default doesn’t suit. Now Rails uses import maps as the default way to include JavaScript.
But if we need to transpile or compile JavaScript - say we’re working with .jsx
, .ts
or .vue
files - import maps won’t meet our needs (at least, not yet). So, are we stuck
on the Webpacker train indefinitely? Thankfully, the answer is a resounding no! In the
rest of this article, we’ll explore how jsbundling-rails
with esbuild can be our next “get-off” point.
jsbundling-rails with esbuild
The jsbundling-rails
gem gives us everything we need to configure and use a JavaScript
bundler of our choice. Essentially, jsbundling-rails
sets up a few rake tasks that
create an entry point and define the final build path.
In theory, we’re not tied to any one bundler: jsbundling-rails
works as long as we
stick to the expected entry point and output the bundled files to app/assets/builds
One great choice here is esbuild, a highly performant JavaScript bundler. Esbuild’s core version doesn’t have every feature Webpacker does, and some features will likely never be added, as explained on its roadmap .
For a Rails app with just a sprinkle of JavaScript, esbuild’s core functionality is more than enough to get the job done.
Migrating to jsbundling-rails with esbuild
Install jsbundling-rails
First we add the gem to our Gemfile.
+ gem 'jsbundling-rails'
Then we bundle install and run the following in the terminal:
./bin/rails javascript:install:esbuild
The installation script provides the default esbuild configuration which includes:
- Updates to the .gitignore file
- A procfile for running multiple processes with
- A app/assets/builds directory
- Updates to the manifest.js
- A app/javascript/application.js entry point file
- A javascript include tag
- A bin/dev script
- Updates to the package.json dependencies
We need to add the build script to our package.json if it was not added by the installation script. So we add the following to the package.json file.
"scripts": { "build": "esbuild app/javascript/*.* --bundle --sourcemap --outdir=app/assets/builds" }
This default build script will make it possible to compile our js assets by running
yarn build
Remove Webpack from any development scripts
Next, we need to remove Webpack references from any development scripts, including
those in the Procfile and our bin
directory. The installation script we ran earlier
added yarn build --watch
to our development Procfile, which is now the only build
script needed to compile JavaScript.
Remove Webpacker tags
The installation script also added a JavaScript include tag to our
file. This tag points to the new JavaScript entry point,
, which allows the build script to be included in our application.
Next, we’ll need to search the project for any instances of javascript_pack_tag
, which
Webpacker required, and remove them. These are no longer needed. Except for any layout file.
In the layout files we need to replace the javascript_pack_tag
with the new javascript_include_tag
<%# Before %>
<%= javascript_pack_tag 'application' %>
<%# After %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "application", defer: true %>
Move entrypoint
Our new entry point is now at app/javascript/application.js
. We’ll copy the contents
from the old Webpacker entry point at app/javascript/packs/application.js
to this new location.
It is important to convert require
statements into import statements with relative
paths. Paying close attention as we update the relative paths imported into the new
application.js file.
// this
// becomes
import "./controllers"
import Rails from “@rails/ujs”
We can delete app/javascript/packs
once everything has been moved to the app/javascript
Remove Webpacker
Remove the following files, but remember to first add any required configuration to your esbuild build script. Take a look at adding an esbuild config file for insight into creating more complex esbuild configurations.
- ./bin/webpack
- ./bin/webpack-dev-server
- ./config/initializers/webpacker.rb
- ./config/webpacker.yml
- ./config/webpack/development.js
- ./config/webpack/environment.js
- ./config/webpack/production.js
- ./config/webpack/test.js
Remove the Webpacker gem in our Gemfile and bundle install afterwards.
- gem 'webpacker'
Finally we can also remove the Webpacker packages from our package.json.
yarn remove @rails/webpacker webpack-dev-server
Some gotchas
Including gem provided javascript
Including gem-provided JavaScript is a common practice in Rails applications. Gems like
jquery-ujs often provide JavaScript that adds
functionality when specific data-* attributes
are used on elements. This setup works smoothly with Sprockets and the asset pipeline,
but how do we include gem-provided JavaScript when using jsbundling-rails
esbuild? It’s straightforward; just follow these steps:
Create a New Entry Point: In the
directory, create a new file for these assets. Let’s call itsprockets.js
. -
: Add the new entry point tomanifest.js
so it’s included in the asset pipeline.
// app/assets/config/manifest.js
//= link sprockets.js
- Require the Gem-Provided JavaScript: In
, require the JavaScript files from your gem(s).
// app/javascript/sprockets.js
//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
- Update
: Finally, include the new entry point in your HTML by updating yourjavascript_include_tag
<%= javascript_include_tag "application", "sprockets", defer: true %>
This way, you can easily include gem-provided JavaScript files even with jsbundling-rails
and esbuild.
Including ERB in javascript files
In the past, even with Webpacker, we could include ERB in our JavaScript files. However,
esbuild doesn’t support ERB in JavaScript files. Unlike Webpack, esbuild lacks a plugin
system, which means we can’t use the erb-loader
plugin that Webpacker provides.
To work around this, we can create a new entry point file that includes the ERB code and then import this entry point into our main JavaScript file. This approach is similar to the steps for including gem-provided JavaScript. Here’s how to set it up:
Create a New Entry Point: In the
directory, create a new entry point file for ERB, for example,sprockets.erb.js
. -
: Add this new entry point tomanifest.js
so it’s included in the asset pipeline.// app/assets/config/manifest.js //= link sprockets.erb.js
Tell Sprockets to Precompile: In
, configure Sprockets to compile this new entry point file.# config/initializers/assets.rb Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( sprockets.erb.js )
Add it to Your HTML: Update your
methods to include this new entry point.
<%= javascript_include_tag "application", "sprockets", defer: true %>
- Add ERB Code: Finally, add your ERB code to
as needed.
Optionally add a esbuild.config.mjs
The esbuild API can be accessed from the command line, in Javascript or in Go. The script we added to our package.json shows how to access esbuild from the command line. In some cases it might be more convenient to use Javascript or Go. We will briefly demonstrate how to use Javascript.
Our build script defined earlier in our package.json file included all build options on a single line. For more complex projects an external build script might be preferable.
We can convert the build script we saw earlier. It doesn’t really matter what we call this build script but it might make sense to call it esbuild.config.mjs. As per the documentation this code must be saved in a file with the .mjs extension because it uses the import keyword. This seems like a naming convention used by other javascript config files.
// esbuild.config.mjs
import * as esbuild from 'esbuild'
await esbuild.build({
entryPoints: ['app/javascript/application.js'],
bundle: true,
sourcemap: true,
outdir: 'app/assets/builds',
Notice that we don’t use the app/javascript/*.*
entry point. This is because glob expansion
is done by our shell and not by esbuild. We would need to include a library such as
glob to expand the glob pattern first before passing
the paths to esbuild.
Now we can update our package.json build script to ”build”: “node esbuild.config.mjs”
And everything should work just like it did before.
You may want to review the esbuild API if you have a more complex Webpack configuration that you wish to migrate to esbuild. Keep in mind that some Webpack features can only be accomplished with one of the esbuild plugins .
Using jQuery
With Webpacker you might have made jQuery available globally by doing something like this:
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
$: 'jquery/src/jquery',
jQuery: 'jquery/src/jquery'
With esbuild we need to take a different approach to achieve the same result. We cannot simply import jquery like this:
// app/javascript/application.js
import “jquery”
window.jQuery = jquery
window.$ = jquery
The problem is that import statements get hoisted. So any import statement that requires jquery will be hoisted to execute before the window object assignments. This means that imported scripts that depend on jquery will execute before jquery is available.
Instead we create a new file, let us call it jquery.js
// app/javascript/jquery.js
import jquery from “jquery”
window.jQuery = jquery
window.$ = jquery
And we import this file into our main entry point, application.js
like so:
// app/javascript/application.js
import “./jquery”
Now all imports after the jquery import will have access to the jquery window object.
Using the global object
With Webpack we could assign a global variable to the global object. Webpack automatically converted this to the window object .
If we need to maintain backward compatibility with the global object in Webpack, then we
need to add the --define:global=window
to our build command. However if backward
compatibility is not required then we can very easily search and replace all instances
of global
with window
. You could also modify the config file to include the define option.
// esbuild.config.mjs
import * as esbuild from 'esbuild'
import {sassPlugin} from 'esbuild-sass-plugin'
await esbuild.build({
entryPoints: ['app/javascript/application.js'],
bundle: true,
sourcemap: true,
outdir: 'app/assets/builds',
define: {
"global": 'window',
Live reloading
As we have mentioned above esbuild does not support hot module reloading (HMR) , it is not even on the roadmap. After being spoiled with HMR via Webpack for a while, this might be a developer luxury we don’t want to go without.
We may not be able to do HMR, but we can add configuration that enables live reloading. Live reloading essentially triggers a page reload whenever a watched file is updated.
For the best developer experience we would need to add Chokidar from npm. Chokidar is a file watching library that allows us to watch for changes to any set of files we wish. Combined with the lightning speed of esbuild we can watch and trigger rebuilds with minimal delay.
First we might want to add Chokidar by running the following command in the terminal.
yarn add -D chokidar
Then we would add a file for our esbuild config. As we noted earlier this file’s name is not important. We could call it esbuild.config.mjs if it makes sense.
#!/usr/bin/env node
import esbuild from "esbuild";
import { createServer } from "http";
import chokidar from 'chokidar';
const clients = [];
const watching = process.argv.includes("--watch");
const watchedDirectories = [
const bannerJs = watching
? ' (() => new EventSource("http://localhost:8082").onmessage = () => location.reload())();'
: "";
const config = {
entryPoints: ['app/javascript/application.js'],
bundle: true,
sourcemap: true,
outdir: path.join(process.cwd(), "app/assets/builds"),
absWorkingDir: path.join(process.cwd(), "app/javascript"),
banner: { js: bannerJs },
if (watching) {
createServer((req, res) => {
return clients.push(
res.writeHead(200, {
"Content-Type": "text/event-stream",
"Cache-Control": "no-cache",
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
Connection: "keep-alive",
(async () => {
const result = await esbuild.build(config);
chokidar.watch(watchedDirectories).on("all", (event, path) => {
if (path.includes("javascript")) {
console.log(`rebuilding ${path}`);
clients.forEach((res) => res.write("data: update\n\n"));
clients.length = 0;
} else {
esbuild.build(config).catch(() => process.exit(1));
We don’t want to dive too deeply into the esbuild configuration api, instead we will do a quick overview of this config file.
First we import the required libraries and we set a few variables.
The config contains the build options we pass to esbuild. The heart of this reloading
technique is contained in the banner option. Here we specify that we would like to
prepend a piece of Javascript to the build artifact. When the --watch
flag is passed in,
the additional javascript reloads the page whenever it receives a message from localhost:8082.
Next we have a conditional section. We check and if we are watching then we create a local web server using node’s http module. This server can send requests to the browser to trigger a page refresh.
Next we have an asynchronous self-invoking function that defines chokidar’s behavior. It watches for changes in the specified watch directories. It rebuilds when javascript files are updated. And finally it sends a message to the browser.
Now we need to update our build script in our package.json so that it looks like this:
"scripts": {
"build": "node esbuild-dev.config.mjs"
Finally we want to make sure that our Procfile.dev passes in the watch option. The js
section of this file must include the --watch
option like this.
js: yarn build –-watch
We can now start the development server with ./bin/dev
. And to make sure it works we
can make a change to any of our javascript, css or erb files. We can watch more files by
adding the appropriate directory to the watchDirectories
Please take a look at this github issue for more information on adding live reload to the esbuild serve .
Considerations before migrating to esbuild
Switching away from Webpacker isn’t required. There’s an actively maintained gem called
Shakapacker, which is essentially a rebranded Webpacker. Internally, it still uses the
name webpacker
, making it easy to trial Shakapacker and see if it’s a good fit for your app.
works in conjunction with the asset pipeline, whether that’s
Sprockets or Propshaft. So, we need to ensure that either Sprockets or Propshaft is
included in our Gemfile
One thing to keep in mind is that esbuild is currently in what’s considered a “late beta” phase, not yet at version 1.0.0. While a lot of effort goes into maintaining stability and backward compatibility, this may be a consideration if your application requires production-ready tools only.
There are several benefits to replacing Webpacker with jsbundling-rails
and esbuild.
Chief among them is speed: esbuild is significantly faster than Webpacker, especially in
smaller applications. The chart below illustrates just how much quicker esbuild can be.
This should set you up for a strong finish! Let me know if you want to add more insights into the considerations or elaborate on the speed benefits.
Another reason we might want to migrate to esbuild is because it might be easier to use and maintain. Webpack is known for its flexibility. Esbuild is less flexible than Webpack by design. This is right up the Rails developer’s alley where convention over configuration has always been a valued characteristic of the tools we use.
The Esbuild community is growing and there are many community provided plugins and starter configuration scripts already available. Esbuild is also used in many other developer tools such as Amazon CDK and Phoenix .
Are you considering upgrading your Rails applications so you can also simplify the javascript part of your application? We are experts at upgrading Rails applications. Reach out so we can help you evaluate the benefits of migrating to jsbundling-rails.
Further reading and references
- Add Live Reload to the esbuild serve issue
- BilalBudhani blog post
- David Colby blog post
- Esbuild Configuration for Javascript Debugging issue
- Comparing Webpacker to jsbundling-rails
- Modern web apps without JavaScript bundling or transpiling
- Rails 7 will have three great answers to JavaScript in 2021+
- gorails esbuild videocast
- thomasvanholder blog post
Need help with your Webpacker migration? Let’s talk!