Happy Wednesday!
Here is issue #010 of our newsletter, where we collect news and tools that we find interesting for your Rails project.
1. Our Rails Upgrade Process: A step by step guide on how to approach a Rails upgrade 🚀.
2. Support of Ruby 2.4 has ended: Upgrade to newer versions of Ruby as soon as possible.
3. The Complete Guide for Deprecation Warnings in Rails: An easy to follow guide on how to address deprecation warnings in a Rails application.
4. Ruby Concurrency Final Report: A really interesting report about Concurrency in Ruby 3 💎.
5. Exploring Method Arguments in Ruby: An in depth look at Method Arguments in Ruby and all their potential.
We hope you find these links useful. Feel free to forward it to your friends! ;)
Have a nice week and stay safe!
The FastRuby.io team.