#107 💎 Next Rails Gem: Feedback Wanted, RubyConf '24, Custom Color Schemes in Rails + Hotwire

Happy Wednesday!

Here is issue #107 of our newsletter, which offers news and the best tools for your current or future Rails projects…

1. 🤯 We love using the Dual-Boot technique for our Rails upgrades, and we rely on the next_rails gem to facilitate this process. Juan breaks down all the features and benefits in his newest article, The Next Rails Gem​; it not only enables dual-booting but also helps identify outdated gems, check Rails compatibility, and find the minimum compatible Ruby version for a target Rails version.

2. 🎟️ ​RubyConf '24: Tickets are now available!​ RubyConf 2024 will be held in Chicago, IL, from November 13 to 15, 2024. Sign up to get the latest information about RubyConf as it becomes available! Get the best pricing NOW and before prices go up on July 31!

3. 🚀 As part of the Rails community, you're invited to offer your observations and findings with the ​2024 Ruby on Rails Community Survey​ brought to you by Planet Argon.

🚀 ​H​ave you been delaying your upgrades? Still stuck on Ruby 2.7?

Stop postponing your upgrade with our maintenance service, 🌳 ​Bonsai​​.

​​​FastRuby.io​​​’s maintenance services offer a cost-effective, gradual solution to paying down your tech debt on a monthly basis.

4. 💎 ​Ruby 3.3.4 Released​: This release fixes a regression in Ruby 3.3.3 that dependencies are missing in the gemspec of some bundled gems: net-pop, net-ftp, net-imap, and prime

5. 👏🏽 The Hanami team is close to completing their full-stack Hanami 2 vision with ​Hanami 2.2.0.beta1​. Here's an introduction to their database layer and operations.

6. 🎨 ​Custom color schemes with Ruby on Rails​: This blog post uses Rails and Hotwire to let you edit the color scheme of the Joy of Rails website.

Bookmark them, share them, or save them. We hope you found these links helpful 😉

Know anyone who would love to get this newsletter? Tell them to​​​ ​subscribe to the Rails Upgrade News newsletter​​​​


The ​​​​FastRuby.io​​​​ Team

Don't wait to bring your Rails application up to date.

We will get on a quick call and recommend a couple of options to start upgrading your Rails app.