#109 💎 Ruby Tips! Creating Custom Gemfiles, Sidekiq + Redis, Rubocop Styling for Rails and more…

Happy Wednesday!

Here is issue #109 of our newsletter, which offers news and the best tools for your current or future Rails projects…

1. 💎💎 Gelsey examines the downsides and difficulty in maintaining two separate Gemfiles and our approach to Creating Custom Gemfiles for Development in her new article.

2. 🚀 Omakase Ruby styling for Rails: Did you know that Rails will include its own flavor of Rubocop by default in version 8? For those running earlier versions of Rails, you can easily add them yourself, too.

3. 📁 Tricky external files: Helpful information about the difference between load, autoload, require, and require_relative in Ruby.

4. 💎 What happens when you require a gem in Ruby code? How require loads a gem outlines a technique for adding gem files to the load path only when needed, ensuring require can find them without preloading everything.

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5. 🎶 Cool info about making music with Ruby. Sonic Pi: Ruby as a Composition Tool: a circular journey from bard to engineer back to bard.

6. 👏🏽 Every Rails engineer that ever used Sidekiq has used Redis. Check out this deep-ish dive into Redis, the tool that Sidekiq depends on. Understanding Persistence in Redis - AOF & RDB + on Docker

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