#110 💎 Ruby 3.3.5 Released + Updated Rails Maintenance Policy, and more…

Happy Wednesday!

Here is issue #110 of our newsletter, which offers news and the best tools for your current or future Rails projects…

1. 💎 Ruby on Rails has a new maintenance policy. In ​Aysan’s​ latest article (Understanding the new Rails Maintenance Policy​) she summarizes all the details, changes, and important dates to help your team stay compliant

2. 📋 Nested forms are a common concept in most (Rails) SaaS apps. Out-of-the-box Rails has all the elements to support this kind of business logic, but on the front end, you previously had to use third-party dependencies. With the introduction of supporting `get` requests, you can now have Nested forms with Turbo (without dependencies).

3. 💎 Ruby 3.3.5 Released last week; check out what's new!

4. ⚙️🛠️ Two essential tools for asset management in Ruby on Rails are Sprockets and Propshaft. Although both manage assets, they differ in features and functionality. In this article, Understanding the Difference Between Sprockets and Propshaft in Rails, the author dives into what sets these two tools apart, their ideal use cases, and how to integrate them into your Rails projects.

🚀 Need to Upgrade to Rails 7.2 + Ruby 3.3 but Not Sure How?

🌳 Bonsai by FastRuby.io is the monthly upgrade service trusted by top-notch engineering teams. Upgrade with confidence.

5. 🚀 This blog post, ​Generate authentication like Rails 8 will​, is a tutorial on using authentication-zero, a gem that allows us to generate everything we need for authentication in a Rails 7 application. We expect Rails 8 to provide similar functionality out of the box. 👏🏽

6. 📤 Rails 7.1 Adds after/before_deliver Callbacks To ActionMailer

7. ♠️ Check out this video of Carl Weiss streaming while Building a Planning Poker app using Ruby on Rails, Tailwind, and pure skill!

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