#111 🚨 2024 Rails Community Survey Results, Security with Bundler Audit, next_rails v1.4.0 Release and more…

Happy Wednesday!

Here is issue #111 of our newsletter, which offers news and the best tools for your current or future Rails projects…

1. 🔐 Vulnerabilities in your application’s dependencies can pose significant risks to its security, so maintaining a secure codebase is crucial. Gelsey's newest article explores Using bundler-audit to Keep Your App's Dependencies secure.

2. 💎 FastRuby.io released next_rails version 1.4.0 this week. In late July, Juan published an article all about The Next Rails Gem. In the updated release, an important feature added was the ability to run a compatibility report to procure incompatible gems with a given version of Ruby.

3. 🚨 Planet Argon’s Survey results are in! Over 2,700 members of the Rails community from 92 countries kindly contributed their thoughts on tools, frameworks, and workflows in their day-to-day development lives in the most recent ​2024 Ruby on Rails Community Survey​.

❖Notable results:

🤔 ​Of the Rails applications you work on, how many are updated to the most recent stable (Rails/Ruby) releases?​

  • None 15%
  • Some 21%
  • Most 32%
  • All 31%

🤯 If not all, why not?​

  • Not enough time - 28%
  • Not considered a priority - 28%
  • Third-party dependencies - 12%
  • Don't have the budget - 9%
  • Lack reliable automated tests - 9%
  • Lack a strategy for this - 8%
  • Planning a rewrite - 3%
  • Other - 3% ( Reasons: Working on it, Legacy and about to sunset, Legacy infrastructure, Business constraints)

🚀 ​​What versions of Rails are you using in your applications?​​

That means 22% of applications surveyed are on Rails version 6.0 or lower.

💎 ​​What versions of Ruby are you using in your applications?​​

That means 30% of applications surveyed are on Ruby version 3.0 or lower. **(Remember this? How Fast is Ruby 3 on Rails? Yes, we know this is old, but it's still relevant.)

❖ These results give everyone an understanding of the many obstacles keeping your apps outdated. While we continue to contribute to the Rails community with tools and guides to assist those who want to tackle the job themselves, we are also committed to constantly improving our service offerings to be better prepared to help those who need assistance. ❖

🚀Need to Upgrade to Rails 7.2 + Ruby 3.3 but Not Sure How?

We offer many solutions for differing company types and sizes to get your apps updated and in compliance.

🌳 ​Bonsai​ by ​FastRuby.io​ is the cost-effective, monthly upgrade service trusted by top-notch engineering teams. Upgrade with confidence.

👉🏽 We have compiled helpful information to point you in the right direction.

4. 🔥The Rails Upgrade Series is a series of Rails upgrade mini-guides where you will find links to all relevant articles to help with an upgrade.

5. 💎 Helpful Information: A Step-by-Step Guide to Upgrading Your Ruby Version

6. 👮🏻 Ensuring that your company’s website is current with compliance standards is essential for any Rails application. The more compliant your website is, the more secure it will be against data breaches, which helps users feel safe while using it. So, How Do You Know When Your App is Not Compliant?

7. 👩🏽‍💻 Accessibility testing in Rails development ensures that software is usable by all users, regardless of their abilities. In this article ​From Code to Compliance: Accessibility Testing in Rails Applications​, ​Aysan​ dives into accessibility requirements and the importance of compliance while providing tools for checking for web accessibility violations.

8. ⏳In a previous article, we discussed the importance of ​assessing an application’s dependency freshness​ and demonstrated how you can use different tools to aid you. One of these tools is libyear​​. In this article, ​How outdated are these popular Ruby projects?​​Francois​​ shares libyears calculations for several popular Ruby projects.

👀 Check out our other articles on:

Performance | ​Upgrades​ | ​Best Practices​ | ​Tech Debt

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