#119 🚀 Rails DB Migrations, Unlocking Remediation Value, IO-Bound Rails Apps + new Ruby topics inside…

Happy Wednesday!

Here is issue #119 of our newsletter, which offers news and the best tools for your current or future Rails projects…

1. 🚀 Francois​​​ and ​Kasper​ published their newest article, Rails Database Migrations Best Practices. Migrations are essential for evolving your database schema, but poor practices can cause management issues and inconsistencies. This article outlines key strategies for keeping migrations organized, efficient, and synchronized across environments, ensuring a clean and reliable database.

They also collaborated on the article, ​​​How to ​Grok a Rails Application for the First Time​​​, which walks you through the process of truly understanding (or grokking) an existing Rails app for the first time with our refined process.

2. 🌳​​ In the article, ​Unlocking Value with Bonsai: A Month in Technical Debt Remediation​, ​Gelsey​ discusses what Bonsai delivers and how that value depends on your chosen tier, app complexity, and test suite. With our affordable monthly cycles, our experts provide comprehensive Ruby and Rails upgrades, assist with framework and dependency updates, and streamline your deployment process for smooth, secure releases. Check out our process and who would benefit from this approach.

3. 🚀 In his blog post, ​​Better Know A Ruby Thing: Singleton Classes​​, published on January 20, 2025, Noel Rappin explores singleton classes in Ruby. He explains their role in attaching methods to specific objects and enabling class methods and unique behaviors. He highlights their historical evolution, syntax, and usage while comparing Ruby’s approach to class methods with languages like Python and Smalltalk.

​🔥 ​Make Rails Upgrades Budget-Friendly & Boringly Reliable​​

​​FastRuby.io​’s monthly maintenance services keep costs low and uptime high. ​The team behind RailsBump.org​ offers Bonsai maintenance services for gradual, 0-downtime upgrades — making ​technical debt remediation​ feel delightfully boring.

Plans start at $4,000/month. You can easily move up or down a plan level if needed.

4. 📖 In his blog post, ​Updating Ruby Under a Microscope,​ Pat Shaughnessy announces a new edition of his book covering Ruby 3.x and shares an excerpt from Chapter 7 on Ruby's internal use of hash tables. He explores topics like hash storage, retrieval, collision handling, and performance optimizations introduced by Vladimir Makarov in 2015.

5. 💎 In the article, The Mythical IO-Bound Rails App​, Jean Boussier challenges the belief that Rails apps are inherently IO-bound, arguing that database bottlenecks often result from issues like missing indexes or N+1 queries rather than true IO constraints. Understanding an app's actual performance traits is important to select the right execution model.

6. 💎 ​Would you still choose Ruby on Rails for a startup in 2025​? A recent discussion on Hacker News explores the relevance and advantages of using Ruby on Rails for startups in 2025, with various developers sharing their perspectives and experiences.

👀 Check out our other articles on: ​​Performance​​ | ​Upgrades​​​ | ​​​Best Practices​​​ | ​​​Tech Debt​​​

Bookmark them, share them, or save them. We hope you found these links helpful 😉

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