#83 πŸ”₯ Rails 7.0.7 Released!

Happy Wednesday!

Here is issue #83 of our newsletter, for news and the best tools for your current or future Rails projects...

1. πŸ’Ž Rails 7.0.7 released last week. Read the full list of changes, updates and improvements.

2. πŸš€ Greg Molnar brings the latest from the Rails universe: from the inaugural Rails Luminary Awards to the fresh Rails 7.0.7 release and intriguing updates in between! Dive in.

🚨 Now that a new version of Ruby on Rails released...

You don't want to fall further and further behind. The biggest hindrance to innovation within your web application is mounting, unresolved technical debt. Choosing to operate on an old version of Rails is more costly than addressing it head-on, ASAP.

🌳 That's why we developed Bonsai, an expert Ruby & Rails technical debt remediation serviceβ€”and it starts at only $2k/month.

Stay tech debt free while also staying on track to your business priorities. Start today.

3. 🧠 Want to master deploying multiple Rails versions on Heroku? Dive into FastRuby.io's latest guide, unveiling the magic of dual booting, Heroku buildpacks, and more to supercharge your Rails upgrade process.

4.πŸ” Encountered unexpected behavior with Rails static files during an upgrade? Read this engineer's encounter with debugging while upgrading from Rails 5.2 to 6.1.

Bookmark them, share them, or save them. We hope you found these links useful ;)


The FastRuby.io Team

Don't wait to bring your Rails application up to date.

We will get on a quick call and recommend a couple of options to start upgrading your Rails app.